Architecture: An Art and A Science


There has been an ongoing debate as to whether Architecture is considered an art, or a science. While some have their strong opinions to either side, our team here at Architecture Plus consider the role as both.

The creativity that an architect must embody is just as important to the job as their ability to create stable and sound infrastructures. When considering the creation of buildings and renovating spaces, both aspects of design and functionality are important.

From building design to light placement, there are many aspects of building design that are inclusive to scientific study and understanding. A great architect will use their scientific knowledge to guide their design making process to create a lovely,  comfortable, and sound building for a client.

If you are in the Charleston, South Carolina area and are looking for knowledgable architects for a job, Architecture Plus is a great choice for businesses and personal home creation or renovation! Contact us today for more information.

Tim Hilkhuijsen